Why Adobe Mobile Flash Failed? Here Is The Answer

Recently we have reported that Adobe has announced that they will not be developing any new versions of the Mobile Flash player an they will focus their attention on the HTML5. Check out why the Mobile Flash failed after the jump. According to AppleInsider

Why The Mobile Flash Player Failed?

According to Mike’s blog, Adobe wants to focus on one thing and with the HTML5 becoming more popular fragmentation (different screen sizes, resolutions, etc.), and of course Apple.
“This one should be pretty apparent, but given the fragmentation of the mobile market, and the fact that one of the leading mobile platforms (Apple’s iOS) was not going to allow the Flash Player in the browser, the Flash Player was not on track to reach anywhere near the ubiquity of the Flash Player on desktops.
Just to be very clear on this. No matter what we did, the Flash Player was not going to be available on Apple’s iOS anytime in the foreseeable future.”

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