Everything about Jailbreaking - App! (Cydia)

For the new jailbreakers, this App will definitely help you out and let you know everything about the jailbreaking process!
iAm Jailbroken features a main page that has so many links available to you that you will be knocked off of your feet by all of the information you learn about being jailbroken. If you're already a jailbreak wizard, you might find this information redundant. This application is intended for the newbies that just started and want to learn more about what's possible,

The iAm Jailbroken Tweak is available at Cydia!

Read more here!

Read more: http://www.iphone4jailbreak.cc/2011/11/everything-about-jailbreaking-cydia.html#ixzz1eQPYxgIH

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